
gnomes = goblins = poltergeists

"Their King is Gob, whose subjects may be goblins."

gnomes : "Ghob (some say Ghom) is their king." (Christopher Penczak : Outer Temple of Witchcraft. 2004. p. 157)

"Ghob ... (which is where the word goblin comes from)’ (Kevin Saunders : Wiccan Spirituality. 2002. pp. 49-50)

"From Ghob, the king of the Gnomes, comes Goibniu in Celtic myth. ... He was eventually Christianised as ‘Gobban the Joiner’, builder of churches." (WS, p. 50)

North : "Ghob: Servant of Ariel, Earth Gnome, guide of the earth journeys, Gnomes: Elemental Spirits of Earth, ruled by Ghob, Agla: Elemental King of Earth."

"Ghobe" is another spelling of the name.

"Umbriel the gnome" taking umbrage in Alexander Pope’s The Rape of the Lock

"One fabled origin for goblins is in France, in a cleft of the Pyrenees, from which they spread rapidly throughout Europe. ... ["The Complete Encyclopedia of Elves, Goblins, and Other Little Creatures" by Pierre Dubois, in English 2005] ["Encyclopedia of Things That Never Were" by Michael Page & Robert Ingpen, 1987] They have no homes, being nomadic, dwelling temporarily in mossy cracks in rocks and tree roots.

Sir Walter Scott in his "Letters on Demonology and Witchcraft" ascribed gnomes, kobolds and goblins, along with Scottish "bogles", to all correspond with a caricature of the Sami people."

"The Benevolent Goblin", in Gesta Romanorum

"SABAZIUS, the most ancient of the Gnomes", was lauded by Orpheus in his 1st Hymn. (Comte de Gabalis, CXXVI, p. 185) According to Aristoteles, from a tomb in the isle of Lipara can be heard clapping. (ibid., p. 186)

According to Agobard, Magonia is the world of the Sylphs with ae:rial ships. (ibid., p. 194)

WAPEDIA : goblin