Mythology of Dreaming

Strong's 2473 /h.lo^m/ 'a dream' = /h.ulm/ 'a dream' (DMWA, p. 236b) is cognate with */Calaman/ > /Telamon/ the brother of (CDM, s.v. "Telamon", p. 435a) Peleus, whose name is cognate with Strong's 6628 /s.e>el/ 'lotos tree' (the eating of whose fruit causeth a wish to remain amongst other eaters thereof, according to the Odusseia), which perhaps = /d.a>ala/ 'dwindling, diminution, shrinkage' (DMWA, p. 624a). The twain brethren are said to have murthered Phokos ('Seal'; seals, according to the Odusseia, being a principle form of shape-shifting demi-deities -- cf. shamanic shape-shifting in dreams) the son of Psamathe (or Psamatheia), whose name 'Sand' could refer to the falling sand passed through in entring that dream-region which is characterized by the Abyss (canyon).

Telamon married Glauke 'Sweet' (cf. the resemblance of /h.alway/ 'candy' to /h.ulm/) the daughter of king Kukhreus (cf. /kukhramos/ 'corn-crake' bird : a bird feigning to be dead even after being picked up, until the person finding it hath "laid it on the ground and retired to some distance", PPA, 1863, p. 238) -- name likely cognate with Strong's 1904 Hagar (mahjur 'forsaken, abandoned', DMWA, p. 1195a) : the corn-crake whose victims' corpses lie in "Graves" (TA"BFOS") in the SINaY (cf. SINIvali 'new moon' (CSM2, p. 484) immediately following KUHU 'dark moon night' (JBBRAS, vol XV (1881-2), p. 251), according to the Veda).

A concubine of Telamon was Thea-neira ('Goddess-Lowest') : (CDM, s.v. "Telamon", p. 435b) "She conceived a son ... but manage to escape ... before his birth." [This may refer to escaping from a dream with plans for actions therein as yet unfulfilled; and the name of her son, Trambelos (whom the heroine A-priate 'Priceless' escaped only when "she threw herself in" the sea; in the same wise as the heroine Brito-martis in escaping Minos) is perhaps cognate with the Pauran.ik name /Tr.n.a-bin.d.u/, indicating that plans brought into the waking world from the dream world are concentrated in 'dots' (/bin.d.u/), luminous within the potential subtle-dream-body.] When Thea-neira escaped to Miletos, "she was greeted by King Arion" : Arion was (CDM, s.v. "Arion", p. 59b) a "musician ... earning money from his singing." [Hence is named the /aria/ of opera.] Song-god Apollon appeared "to Arion in a dream" (CDM, s.v. "Arion", p. 60a). Another sleep-singing is concerning Molpadia (cf. /molp-edon/ 'song-like'), who, together with her sistren Parthenos and Rhoioi, "fell asleep and while they were slumbering the pigs ... broke all the earthenware jars which contained the wine." (CDM, s.v. "Parthenos1") [Because this occurred during the primaeval "Golden Age" (CDM, s.v. "Parthenos2"), therefore cf. the primordial “Shattering of the Vessels” in Lurianic Qabbalah; wine-jars being opened by swine because of the resemblance of corkscrews for opening wine-bottles to the screw-shape of boars' penes (Cf. "Shattering of Vessels" by male seminal ejaculations in "SThAY<", pp. 2, 5, 15-19, 26).] While they were falling from a cliff, song-god Apollon seized them and transported them through the air to (CDM, s.v. "Hemithea1") the Thraikian Khersonesos, i.e. Dolopia -- in much the same fashion as heroine Oreithuia was, together with Pharmakeia ('Surrogate'; Phaidros 229 -- "NPh"), carried off (while falling off the cliff of the Kekropia-akropolis, according to Sokrates) by two-faced god Boreas. Otherwise, Molpadia (renamed Hemi-thea 'Half-Goddess') is said to have borne a son : as surrogate-mother in the stead of (CDM, s.v. "Lyrcus1") Heilebia (< */SEILEB-/), a heroine, who, if her name be cognate with that of SLEIPnir the steed of Norse O`din (Old English Wo`den / Old High German Wuotan) , may indicate SLEEP-vaticination (perhaps in the same fashion as performed by Edgar Cayce at Wheeling, WV).

The sistre of Telamon and of Peleus was Alci-makhe, who (succeeding heroine Eri-opous of the the Opountioi Lokroi) married (CDM, s.v. "Telamon", p. 435a) O[w]ileus, whose name referreth to counting 'sheep' (/o[w]i-/; while one is falling asleep). Likewise signifying 'sheep' (rhen) is the name Rhene of the concubine of O[w]ileus (Iliad 2.728). That O[w]ileus was (CDM, s.v. "Oileus") "wounded in the shoulder by a feather of one of the Stymphalian birds" -- /-tumphal-/ being praesumably cognate with Strong's 7732 /S^o^bal/ (from 7640 'trailing'), father of (1st Dbre^ ha Yami^m 1:40) Strong's 5858 <e^bal = <abal 'granite' (DMWA, p. 688b), indicative that the feather was able to cut very hard rock (as similarly with the iron-cutting feathers of Bon mythology) --, much as Haides was wounded in "shoulder" (Iliad 5.382 sq -- "H&AH--3.H&SP"), so as thus to denote that the dream-counting-of-sheep manoeuvre is intended to facilitate dream-entry into the world of dead souls. [Exit out of the dream-world for dead souls may be, strapped under the bellies of sheep, from the cave of Polu-phemos. And because Polu-phemos was supposedly father (by vivified ivory-bodied woman Galateia) of (CDM, s.v. "Galateia1") ILLURios, therefore a description (as, in the Puran.a-s) of the mythic geography of ILa-VR.ta could be helpful in maintaining accessibility of this egress-exit.]

Strong's = Strong : Hebrew & Aramaic Dictionary of Bible Words.

DMWA = Cowan : Dictionary of Modern Written Arabic. 4th edn.

PPA = Ben George : Peter Parley's Annual. Darton & Hodge, London.

TA"BFOS" = Torah Archeology "Birds Falling Out of the Sky".

CSM2 = Friedrich Max Müller : Contributions to the Science of Mythology, Volume 2.


"SThBAY<" = David J. Halperin : "Some Themes in the Book Va-Avo Ha-Yom El Ha-‘Ayin".

"NPh" = "Nymphe Pharmakeia".




"H&AH--3.H&SP" = "Hades & the Adventures of Heracles -- III) Herakles & the Siege Pylos".

[written Aug 8 2015]


Other dream-music heroes would be the musician Thamuris ('Assembly' -- perhaps alluding to the the Zohar's "Lesser Holy Assembly" consisting of only some persons from among the praevious "Greater Holy Assembly"; < */DHaMURI-/, cognate with /taDMURI/ 'someone, somebody', DMWA, p. 337b) and his father (DCM, s.v. "Philammon") the musician Phil-ammon ('Loving ammon', cf. /ammokhein/ 'to flash', perhaps, scil., strobe-lights at music-performances) whose mother (DCM, s.v. "Chrysothemis") Khruso-themis ('Gold Law', i.e. "the Golden Rule") is mother also of (DCM, s.v. "Staphylus3", p. 426a) Molpadia, Rhoioi, and Parthenos.