dream-gods -- Divas-pati ('of riches the lord') Indra [one of the 14 Indra-s, one-each praesiding over the 14 Manu-antara-s] = Ioudas Iskariotes (treasurer among the 12 Disciples)

According to the diachronic sound-shift law, intervocalic *\-<-\ (whereof \-w-\ is the most usual reflex) is repraesented in Germanic languages by \-kk-\ : therefore Skt \diva-\ : proto-Germanic *\tikka-\, which is in modern English \tick\ (the blood-sucking skin-parasite). "Papias, the mid-second century bishop of Hierapolis, is quoted by Church Fathers as describing ... that Judas Iscariot died ... popping like a tick" (HF--G&A, p. 14).

Thus, this aequivalence in divinities may indicate the herb lousewort (genus Pedicularis : L&Sh:LD, q.v.), so-named because of its capacity for killing lice (Columella 6,30,8). Although the densiflora sickleheaded species (mayhap referrent to sickle-wielding god Khronos, a name cognate with Skt (m.) \hr.n.i\ 'anger') of lousewort is capable of affecting human dreams, yet the racemosa species is more proficient in this effect (dream-enhancement) and thus may under the tutelage of this pair of divinites Divas-pati and (Iskariotes) >is^-Qriyowt (Strong's 7152; from Strong's 7151 \qiryah\ 'flooring').

The S^emitic etymon (of \tikka\ and of \diva\) is evidently <arabiy \duyuw<\ (DMWA, p. 365a) 'to become public, become generally known'. It is, of course, general public knowledge that the rich suck their sustenance out of the poor, and that this state-of-affair could eventually (in due ) be altered (the mythology apparently suggesting, by appealing to tutelary spirit-guardians of appropriate plant-species, praesumably involving comesting their herb as eucharist).

HF--G&A = Robert M. Price : Holy Fable ... . Volume 2: "The Gospels and Acts". Valley (WA) : Tellectual Pr (Mindvendor), 2017.

L&Sh:LD = Lewis & Short : A Latin Dictionary.

Strong's = James Strong : Hebrew and Aramaic Dictionary of Bible Words.

DMWA = Hans Wehr (ed. by J. Milton Cowan) : A Dictionary of Modern Written Arabic. 4th edn. Wiesbaden : Harrasowitz, 1979.

[written 23 May 2019]


Another connection could be with the name the name \Psullē\ ('Flea') of one of the mares pulling the chariot of Oino-maos (GM @109.d), who was chariot-raced against by (GM @109.j) Pelops, king of (GM @109.a) Paphlagonia, the Anatolian province when came the Kunic (Cynic) philosophy into Hellas. Another Oino-maos, the Kunic philosopher, must be making litterary allusion to the mythic Oino-maos in his allegation that "An ass ... or a flea can be the First Cause" (D:HC, p. 169); for, the "ass" alluded to must surely be Killos ('Ass') or Killas (DCM, s.v. "Cillas") the charioteer of (GM @109.g) Pelops's chariot. \Killos\ and \Killas\ may possibly be cognate with Skt \s`ala\ ('camel or ass' : M-W:S-ED), the name of prince who was loaned horses by (PE, s.v. "S`ala V." -- MBh, "Vana Parvan" 192) Vama-deva. This Vama-deva "gave advice about righteousness to Vasumanas" (PE, s.v. "Vamadeva 2)(vi) -- MBh, "Vana Parvan" 192); while Pelops "sternly rebuked" (GM @109.k) Murtilos. The element \-BOUL-\ (in the name \Theo-boule\ or \Kleo-boule\ of the mother of Murtilos : GM @109.f) may be cognate with \BALa\, the name of a brother of this S`ala's. This same S`ala is son of a female man.d.uka ('frog') : cf. Basho's haiku Frog which is connected with ("BPMRB") the poe:ms by Sapphoi the poe:tess residing in Lesbos, where Killos/Kellas/Killas died (GM @109.g). (Ojibwe mythic "Toad Woman" is likewise connected with the poe:try by Sapphoi : "TSA".) Phaon (DCM, q.v. : "A hero of the island of Lesbos") is claimed to have addressed as "Toad!" (ST5A, p. 114) an officer, in the praesence of Sapphoi.

Another Vama-deva (PE, s.v. "Vamadeva III." -- Matsya Puran.a) "had five faces", slightly reminiscent of how Pelops came to Pisa "to see the row of heads nailed" (GM @109.h).

GM = Robert Graves : The Greek Myths. Penguin Bks, 1955.

D:HC = Donald R. Dudley : A History of Cynicism. London : Methuen & Co., 1937.

DCM = Pierre Grimal : The Dictionary of Classical Mythology. Blackwell Publ, 1986.

M-W:S-ED = Monier Monier-Williams : A Sanskrit-English Dictionary. 1899.

PE = Vettam Mani : Puran.ic Encyclopaedia. Motilal Banarsidass, Delhi, 1975.

MBh = Maha-bharata.

"BPMRB" = "Brief Poems by Michael R. Burch". https://briefpoems.wordpress.com/tag/basho/

"TSA" = "Translating Sappho into Anishinaabemowin". https://www.poetryfoundation.org/poetrymagazine/articles/146717/miidash-miinawaa-zakaiyan-sa-and-you-have-set-me-on-fire

ST5A = Stella (Estelle Anna [Robinson] Lewis) : Sappho : A Tragedy in Five Acts. London : Tru:bner & Co. 6th edn., 1881. https://books.google.com/books?id=VzhBAQAAMAAJ&pg=PA114&lpg=PA114&dq=

[written 25 May 2019]