Liber Novus, 0.B


0.B (pp. 202b-221) "Drafts of Liber Novus".

p. 202b contrast between Jung & Nietzsche

"whereas Zarathustra proclaimed the death of God {did Zaratustra really proclaim the "death" of Ahura Mazda?},

{The impending death of God is implied in the Epistles of Paulos the Apostolos, is such expressions as "joint-heirs with Khristos".} {cf. also the proclamation published by Ploutarkhos, that "The Great God Pan is dead."}

Liber Novus depicts the rebirth of God in the soul."

pp. 203-4 impressions of paintings; a marionette-play

p. 203b

"In October of 1910, Jung went on a ... tour of northern Italy with his colleague Hans Schmid. They visited Ravenna, and the frescos and mosaics there ... had an impact on his paintings : the use of strong colors, mosaic-like forms". [fn. 99 : "In April 1914, Jung visited Ravenna again."]


Jung "referred to Marcel Duchamp’s painting Nude descending the stairs in his 1925 seminar, which had caused a furor there [at the Armory Show exhibition of modern art in New York in March 1913]."


"In 1918, she [Sophie Taeuber] presented a marionette play, King Deer, in Zu:rich. It was set in the woods by the Burgho:lzli.

p. 204a

Freud Analytikus, opposed by Dr. Oedious Complex, is transformed into a parrot by the Ur-Libido, parodically taking up themes from Jung’s Transformations and Symbols of the Libido and his conflict with Freud."

p. 204b calming effect of yoga

Jung recalled [Memories, p. 2010], "I was frequently so wrought up that I had to eliminate the emotions through yoga practices. But ... I would do them only until I had calmed myself".

p. 205 occasion of Cary de Angulo’s inditing of the unmailed epistle addressed to her mentor C. G. Jung [p. 212b : "These notes recount her discussions with Jung and are written in the form of letters to him, but were not sent."]

p. 205a

"At the beginning of 1916, Jung experienced a striking series of parapsychological events in his house. In 1923, he narrated this event to Cary de Angulo (later Baynes). She recorded it as follows :

p. 205b

... . ... a man was angling for fishes with a hook and line ... . On the left was the Devil saying ... that he had come for the fisherman because he was catching his fishes, but on the right was an angel who said, "No you can’t take this man ... ." ... The next day you wrote out the "Sermons to the Dead," and ...


I knew you were the fisherman ..., and you told me so ... ."

{Thus, C. J. Jung identified himself as an incarnation of’ the Fisher-King (legendary Custodian of the Holy-Grail).}

pp. 205-6 sermons to the dead

p. 205b

"Jung [Memories, pp. 215-6] recounted what followed :

... I was sitting near the doorbell, and not heard it but saw it moving. ... The whole house was ... crammed full of spirits. They were packed deep right up to the door ... . ... Then they cried out in chorus, "We have come back from Jerusalem where we found not what we sought." That was the beginning of the Septem Sermones."


"The dead had appeared ... on January 17, 1914, and had said that they were about to go to Jerusalem to pray at the holiest graves." [vide infra, p. 294]

p. 206a

"After writing the Septem Sermones in the Black Books, Jung ... added the following ... : "The seven instructions of the dead. Written by Basilides in Alexandria, the city where the East touches the West.""

{Did Jung perhaps allusively intend, by the name "Basilides", not the Gnostic human, but rather the mythic basilisk and its plant the basil? Like the "7 Sermons", the basil-herb is associated with the dead : goddess "Tulasi (also known as Tulsi) was said to have taken the form of basil when she came to earth." Vais.n.ava "tradition requires the head of a" corpse "be bathed in Tulasi water before being buried and a tulasi leaf is placed on the chest over the heart." ("BL&L") The basil-herb was supposedly discovered on Golgo^t (‘Skull’) knoll ("LH&SB").}

"BL&L" = "Basil Lore and Legend"

"LH&SB" = "Legend of St. Helena and the Sweet Basil"

p. 207a tripartite aspect of the guardian-angel

"In one conversation in January 1916, his soul explained to him that when the Above and Below are not united, she falls into three parts – a serpent, the human soul, and the bird or heavenly soul, which visits the Gods."

p. 207b the two spirits

Jung "realized that until then, he had served the spirit of the time ... . In addition to this, there existed a spirit of the depths, which led to the things of the soul."

{Is the "spirit of the depths" the Valentinian aion Buthos, or the Vaidik deity Ahi Budhnya (a serpent-deity, wherewith cf. the "serpent" member of the tripartition of Jan 1916)?}

p. 211a gendres of guardian-angels

[Psychological Types, CW 6, @@ 804-5] "The complementary character of the soul also affected its sexual character, so that

a man had a feminine soul, ort anima, and

a woman had a masculine soul, or animus."

p. 211b the Great Commission from his guardian-angel / divine-spouse for C. G. Jung to proclaim the [Good News concerning] the New-Religion

On January 5, 1922, thus declared the "soul" {guardian-angel} : "The great work begins. ... It is a great and difficult work. ... You should ... no longer be a Christian ... . ... Why have you received the revelation? You should not hide it. ... You should not break up a marriage, namely the marriage with me ... . ... This right comes to me because I serve you and your calling. I could just as well say, ... your calling comes first. [Jung : "But what is my calling?"] The new religion and its proclamation. ... No one knows it as you do. There is no one who could say it as well as you could."

"His soul here pointedly urged him to publish his material, at which he balked.

Three days later, his soul informed him that the new religion "expresses itself ... in a new ordering of human affairs.

a new ordering of human affairs.

{the supplanting of Christianity and of Sunni >islam by a Gnosis/Magian/Tao composite.}

Therefore expect no further knowledge from me.

{not until (she implieth) he shall have complied with her Divine Will by formally acclaiming himself –heaven-authorized founder of the New-Religion.}

You know everything that is to be known about the manifested revelation,

but you do not live everything that is to be lived at this time.""

{C. G. Jung was not living up to "everything that is to be lived" by his continued refusal to proclaim himself the divine-ordained prophet of the New-Religion.}

p. 212, fn. 177 : C. G. Jung’s psychology of religion

"See James Heisig, Imago Dei : A Study of Jung’s Psychology of Religion (Lewisburg : Bucknell University Press, 1979), and

Ann Lammers, In God’s Shadow : The Collaboration between Victor White and C. G. Jung (New York : Paulist Press, 1994)."

p. 212b Cary Fink

"Cary Fink was born in 1883. She studied as Vassar College, where she was taught by Kristine Mann, who became one of Jung’s earliest followers in the United States. In 1910, she married Jaime de Angulo, and completed her medical training at John Hopkins in 1911. In 1921, she left him, and went to Zu:rich ... . ... In 1927, she married Peter Baynes. They were subsequently divorced in 1931."

p. 212b "in 1924 and 1925, ... Jung was in Africa."

pp. 212-3 Cary Fink to Carl Jung, on prophecy by Meyrink concerning the proclaiming of the Red Book; supremacy of Carl Jung over Nietzsche and over the adepts of the Lord of Flies

p. 212b

"In another book of Meyrink’s the "White Dominican," ... you said he had spoken of a "Red Book" which contained certain mysteries and the book that you are writing ..., you have called the "Red Book.""

p. 212, fn. 180

"See Meyrink, The White Dominican, tr. M. Mitchell (1921/1994), ch. 7. The "founding father" informs the hero of the novel, Christopher, that "whoever possesses the Cinnabar red Book, the plant of immortality, the awakening of the spiritual breath, and the secret of bringing the right hand to life, will ... have reached the highest stage of perfection and stayed on earth for the salvation of mankind" (p. 91). Jung was particularly interested in Meyrink’s novels. In 1921, when referring to the transcendent function ..., he noted that "I would single out two works of Meyrink for special attention : The Golem and The Green Face," Psychological Types, CW 6, @ 205."

p. 212b

"Then you said you were in doubt as to what to do about that book. ...


I said you could use the Zarathustra form and you said that was true, but you said you were sick of that. ...

{(The "Zarathustra form" implied would be the Thus Spake Zarathustra style of Nietzsche.) "When Nietzsche started hearing voices, his career as philosopher ended." ("N&M) "Jung ... was continually hearing 'voices.' " ("N&ChS") Quite naturally, it would seem sickening to Jung for his own divinely-inspired ability to hear voices of deities to be confounded with the inabilities of a mere literary hack such as Nietsche who (due to a defective metaphysics) was unable cope with the voices of deities once they started divinely manifesting themselves.}


Then you said you had thought of making an autobiography out of it. ... But I ... said ... the book stood for a constellation of the Universe ... . ...


Goethe in the 2nd part of Faust ... found it so difficult to get the right form that he had finally died leaving the Mss. as such in his drawer."

{Goethe died on account of his slandering the Devil : according to the Book of >iyyob, S` (the Devil) merely protecteth the pious poor from the impious rich, but Goethe libellous maligned S`}

p. 213a

"I said Philistia has its rights, confronted with the choice of you as a lunatic, and themselves as inexperienced ..., but their faces are saved."

{The Pilis^tines are devotees of Ba<l-Zbub (‘Owner of Flies’), the deity who is alluded in Thus Spake Zarathustra with "Flies in the Marketplace".}

"N&M" =

"N&ChS" = "Nietzsche and the Church Scandals"

p. 213b Cary Fink to Jung, on the "phases" of the Godhead proclaiming the Red Book

"There were various figures speaking, Elias, Father Philemon, etc. but all appeared to be phases of ... "the master." ... I said then that the thing to be done was to enable the world to understand the process also without their getting the notion that they had the Master caged as it were at their beck & call. They had to think of him as a pillar of fire perpetually moving on and forever out of human grasp. ... You said they had the shadow of eternity upon them".

p. 214a Cary Baynes, on the majesty of the Liber Novus

The book "was a record of the passage of the universe through the soul of a man ..., and that a man would be perforce lifted out of himself my the majesty of it, and swung to heights he had never been before."

p. 215a copies gifted by C. G. Jung to his devotees

"Peter Baynes prepared an English translation of the Septem Sermones ad Mortuos, which was privately published. [London : Stuart & Watkins, 1925] Jung gave copies to some of his English-speaking students."

"Jung gave a number of people copies of Liber Novus : Cary Baynes, Peter Baynes, Aniela Jaffe`, Wolfgang Stockmayer, and Toni Wolff."

p. 216a hagios Khristophoros; cast out the mote that is in thy brother’s eye

C. G. Jung "Told the vision of a giant who turned into an egg." [p. 283, fn. 114 : "Jung reduced Izdubar {Bilgames^} to the size of an egg so he could secretly carry Izdubar into the house to enable his healing."]

"I was writing in my book and suddenly saw a man standing watch over my shoulder. One of the gold dots {Carlos Castan~eda told that a single dot of one’s writing can become the Death-deity} from my book flew up and hit him in the eye. ... Finally he told me ... the meaning of certain hieroglyphs which a had had a few days previous. ... I took the thing out of his eye and he vanished."

{Was this (including the inditing in the notebook) an episode within one of Jung’ s dreams? (Waking-state apparitions perhaps never talk.)}

p. 217a C. G. Jung’s dream in Jan 1927

"down by the docks in Liverpool. It is a dark rainy night, with ... clouds. ... We come to a small circular lake ... . In the middle of this there is an island. ... But I see that on the island stands a magnolia tree covered with red flowers illuminated by an eternal sun ... . ... I see a city map".

{These themes are unusual in a dream : rain, clouds, map.}

p. 219a interpretations of alchemy

"In 1912, The’odore Flournoy had presented a psychological interpretation of alchemy in his lectures at the University of Geneva and,

in 1914, Herbert Silberer published an extensive work on the subject." [fn. 237 : Problems of Mysticism and Its Symbolism, tr. S. E. Jeliffe (New York : Moffat Yard, 1917)."]

p. 219, fn. 234 Kundalini yoga

"see The Psychology of Kundalini Yoga : Notes of the Seminar Given in 1932 by C. G. Jung, ed. Sonu Shamdasani (Bollingen Series, Princeton : Princeton University Press, 1996)."

p. 219 influence of Liber Novus on C. G. Jung’s later writings

p. 219a

"After 1930, Jung put Liber Novus ... at the center of his activity. ...

p. 219b

Jung’s work after 1930 could be considered as an extended amplification of the contents of Liber Novus ... . Some of the statements made in Liber Novus closely correspond to positions that Jung would later articulate in his published works, and represent their first formulations. ... Thus Liber Novus enables a hitherto unsuspected clarification of the most difficult aspects of Jung’s Collected Works."

p. 220b doctrine of synchronicity

"In 1952, through his collaboration with the Nobel prize-winning physicist Wolfgang Pauli, Jung argued that there existed a principle of acausal orderedness that underlay ... "meaningful coincidences," which he called synchronicity. [fn. 247 : "See C. A. Meier, ed., Atom and Archetype : The Pauli/Jung Letters, with a preface by Beverley Zabriskie, tr. D. Roscoe (Princeton : Princeton University Press, 2001)."]

He claimed that under certain conditions, the constellation of an archetype led to a relativization of time and space, which explained how such events could happen."

{Another explication could be, the handiwork of the watchful deities.}

p. 221, fn. 257 Richard Hull, on Liber Novus

[In 1961] "She [AJ] showed us the famous Red Book, full of real mad drawings with commentaries in monkish script ... . ... . ... just as the autobiography is an essential supplement to his other writings, so is the Red Book to the autobiography.

The Red Book made a profound impression on me; there can be no doubt that Jung has gone ... insane ..., and more. ... Jung is a walking asylum in himself! The only difference between him and a regular inmate is his astounding capacity to stand ... the terrifying reality of his visions. But for this unique achievement he’d be as mad as a hatter. The raw material of his experience is Schreber’s world over again; only ... to understand ... of his what Coleridge said in his Notebooks ... (and what a motto it would make for his autobiography!) :

He looked at his own Soul with Telescope /

... & he added to the Consciousness hidden worlds within worlds".

"The citation from Coleridge was indeed used as a motto for Memories, Dreams, Reflections."


C. G. Jung (edited by Sonu Shamdasani; translated from the German by Mark Kyburz, John Peck, & Sonu Shamdasani) : The Red Book : Liber Novus. PHILEMON SER, Foundation of the Works of C. G. Jung, Zu:rich. W. W. Norton & Co. Mondadori Printing, Verona.