Psychic Dreamwalking, 4-11



Praeparing the Way

69 to 86

p. 70 vulnerability of dreamwalkers' sleeping material bodies?

"Some practitioners of astral projection ... feel that ... their physical bodies ... become vulnerable and could easily come to harm. Dion Fortune and others state very clearly that the body of someone engaged in ... out-of-body travel should be in a safe, secure place, possibly even watched over by others.

{This is not asserted by anyone who performeth actual astral projection druglessly. Eaters of wolfbane and henbane, however, may have to be thus protected, even protected by others from harming their own bodies.}

This is not precisely the case with dreamwalking, at least not for me. Even when I dreamwsalk from a full sleep state, I nevertheless will wake if someone enters my room or if there is some significant disturbance in my home."

{It is praecisely the case with undrugged projectors, that they immediately awake if an danger or commotion should involve their sleeping material bodies.}

{The authoress was apparently unaware that some of the books that she cited were written (or dictated) by habitual consumers of extreme psychotropic drugs in order to project.}

pp. 73-4 outlay of one's material dreaming-chambre

p. 73

"Don't push the side of your bed up against one wall or another : you want open space on either side of you as you perform your dreamwork. ... . ... you may also want to consider moving the head of your bed at least a foot from any wall. ...

p. 74

I prefer to have my dreaming chamber in a windowless room. Currently, it is underground, in my basement".

pp. 77, 79-80 divine energy-connection as imaginal plant-stem

p. 77

"This pillar connects your room to the ground, holding it up like the sturdy, elegant stem of some exotic flower."

{"The thin green lotus stem is in your spinal passage." (KT, Kriya yoga practice # 12 -- p. 282)} {The waterlily's root may be likened to M.B.'s "pillar".}

p. 79

"I have likened the pillar beneath you to a stem".

p. 80

"In the myths of ancient India, there is a story of a god {Nara-ayana} who is dreaming. The dream of this god is the Universe, and from it emerges from {the navel of} his sleeping form in the shape of a lotus flower. ... Seated in the lotus flower is the Lord of the Universe {a variant of Brahma}, who has the power to shape the dream."

KT = Satyananda Saraswati : Kundalini Tantra. Bihar Schooll of Yoga, Munger, India, 2nd edn, 1996.



Opening the Gates of Dream

87 to 103

p. 87 the 2 types of dreamwalking : "dreamwalking from the borderline state between waking and sleeping, and dreamwalking from full sleep"

"Dreamwalking from the borderline state feels much more like ... creative visualization. The dreamer remains partially awake, consciously directing the action of the dream.

Dreamwalking directly from the state of REM sleep is literally the ability to walk to other people {into their own dreams} while dreaming. This is classic dreamwalking".

pp. 96-7 inviting other dreamwalkers (as guests) into one's own (as host) dream

"Once I have been out of contact for a few months [p. 97] and my friends are actively beginning to worry about me, a few of them have a standing invitation to drop by in the dreamspace and check up on me."

pp. 97-8 socially useful functions of dreamwalking

p. 97

"Ethical psychic vampires use dreamwalking in order to engage in energy exchange with willing partners. When a psychic vampire is isolated physically, or there are no willing donors nearby, dreamwalking is a workable solution."

p. 98

"an energy worker [can] use dreamwalking to perform focused and efficient ... long distant healing techniques, many of which function on the same principles as a psychic vampire's ... techniques."

"It is possible to ... use dreamwalking to teleconference, drawing a number of people into the same dreamspace where they can all interact with one another. ... This is especially useful for a teacher whose students live in many far-flung locations.

A skilled dreamwalker can specifically shape a dream landscape to instruct, creating situations that give students the equivalent of hands-on experience in a given technique."

{This shaping of the landscape would be performed by requaesting a dream-shaping deity (while explaining to that deity the purpose) to arrange the landscape thus.}



Riding the Twilight

105 to 117

pp. 105, 107 hypnagogic visions

p. 105

As you begin to fall asleep, you may see patterns of light forming ... Starbursts, spirals, diamonds {lozenges}, and a whole host of geometric shapes".

{This visions are unusual except (of course) in such persons as invoke the deities who manufacture such scenes.}

p. 107

"If you haven't started dreaming yet, your conscious mind bears witness to these marvels, watching shapes turn into faces or houses or letters crawling across a page."

pp. 108-9 hypnagogic/hypnopompic sensations

p. 108

"Due to the nature of the hypnagogic state, ... your sense of the world around you -- on many different levels -- will become intensely heightened as you approach the hypnagogic state. ... Suddenly, you will be able to hear everything going on in the entire house with a clarity never experienced before. All sources of light will seem to grow in intensity until even absolute darkness seems to glow with a mysterious light. Scents and physical sensations will stand out in ways you have not experienced them before.

Once you have crossed into the hypnagogic state, your awareness of ... Shadows passing near the bed can turn into phantoms reaching out to you from the abyss.

The sound of the television from a distant room can become murmuring voices calling your name over and over again."

{It is perhaps commoner to hear one's name divinely called out a single time while emerging out of a dream into the waking state. (I have heard this on a great many occasions.)}

p. 109

"Hag attacks are often preceded by a tingling sensation that washes through the entire body. More often than not, however, it's ... a rippling or a vibration that softly encompasses the whole body. Only when the sensation of being pressed into the bed manifests ..., does the Hag attack typically begin ... . David Hufford, author of The Terror that Comes in the Night, identifies the tingling sensation that precedes Hag attack as ... connected with the hypnagogic state. Curiously, the sensation is markedly close to Robert Monroe's "vibrational state," which he described as signaling the start of an out-of-body experience."

pp. 113-4 pulling in other persons by means of an imaginal rope or an imginal spiderweb

p. 113

"Focus on the link you have with the target person. With your eyes closed and without releasing the borderline state, find where the link attaches to your own subtle body. Test the energy of the link to insure this is the person you want. If you aren't sure, extend your perception down the link far enough to sense who is on the other end. Once you have verified that this is your target's link,

firmly take the link in both lands and start pulling it to you. Imagine that you are pulling the link hand over hand ... .

{[In Irish myth,] Bran, along with his ship which he was aboard, was reeled in to the shore by an immortal goddess.}

... the appropriate physical motions ... I caution against ..., as this can easily interrupt the delicate borderline state."

"Another method ... involves thinking of that link as a strand of spiderweb. Imagine that you

{"In the Urna Cakra (Urna = spider's web) the Viras sit in pairs tied to one another with cloths." (Sh&Sh 27) -- Sons of heroine Urna include Patanga 'flying insect'.}

p. 114

are a spider, and that all the links you have with all the people you have built connections with stretch out around you like a finely glowing web. Like a spider, you can feel the subtle vibrations of each of these strands, and with little effort, you can identify who is on the other end." [cf. "Grandmother Spider," p. 156 infra]

Sh&Sh 27 = Cap. 27 : "Pan~catattva", of Shakti and Sha^kta by Arthur Avalon (Sir John Woodroffe). London : Luzac & Co., 1918.



Remembering Thy Dreams

119 to 137

pp. 125-6 ask requaests of a dream-deity

p. 125

"I usually address my requests to the Dream King. ... .

p. 126

... Morpheus .. is ... the King of the Dreaming ..., child of Hypnos, god of sleep, and Nox {Nyx}, goddess of night."



Lucid Dreams

139 to 147

p. 140 terms for 'lucid dream'

"In 1867, French researcher Hervey Saint-Denys coined the term re^ve lucide (lucid dream)."

"Hugh Calloway ..., better known ... by his pen name Oliver Fox, called his lucid dreams "dreams of knowledge," because the dreams presented the knowledge that he was dreaming."

p. 141 a habit for achieving awareness of being in a dream

"Robert Monroe ... at the Monroe Institute in North Carolina ... suggests that, every time you go through a doorway, you should touch the threshold and ask, "Am I dreaming?" You should then look at your environment, ... to determine whether or not you are asleep. ... this activity will become such a habit that you will literally do it in your sleep."

pp. 142-3 a dream involving knowledge of events at a distance in the waking world

p. 142

"I was nine, and I was dreaming ... It was dark out, but somehow I could see ... There was a terrible storm ... . At first, I was watching everything from inside a house ..., and when the tornado came, it shattered the glass and started sucking things out ... and pulling at me. ... Somewhere in the middle of my struggles, I realized I was dreaming. Immediately my perpective changed. The storm was still raging around me, but now ... I was hanging in the middle of the air. I was no longer directly involved in the action, but instead I watched

p. 143

things happen around me. ...

I remember waking up ... . ... The next day, the newspapers told of a series of tornados that had hit in another state ... around the time that I was dreaming."

{Do dreams about tornados usually involve experiencing in the dream-world a tornado which is happening at that time in the waking-world? If so, are other dreams about weather similarly indicative?}

p. 145 a prayer to the dream-deity

"Try to say something like, "Dream King, Dream King, help me lucid dream tonight."

{Alternatively, a similar prayer could be addressed to the Queen of Dreams (or whomever).}

Repeat it several times as you are falling asleep, making a real effort to reach out and connect with the personified Power that governs dreams."

pp. 146-7 procedures for becoming informed of one's being in a dream by something in the waking world

p. 146

"In the buddy technique, you have a friend watch over you ... . When it appears that you begin to dream (REM being a big tip-off), your friend should ... say : [Name], you are dreaming."

{Still more effective would be to have the friend call upon one's guardian-angel, requaesting that guardian-angel to inform one during the dream of being in a dream.}

"Stephen LaBerge has a lucid dreaming device ... like a pair of space-age goggles. ... When REM is detected, soft red lights go on in the goggles. ...

p. 147

Robert Monroe patented something he called Hemi-Sync. This technique {device} uses specially balanced and synchronized sounds that engage both the right ... and the left ... equally."



Invading the Dreamspace

149 to 158

p. 151 reality of the dreamwalking-body

"we accept that the dreamspace is, on some level, a real space, ...

we have to also accept that the portion of ourselves that walks there is also ... real. If it is real in the dreamspace, on the ... occasions that is wanders out of that very specialized space, it is still real. ... When it is interacting with something in the physical world, it can be perceived like a ghost."

pp. 155-6 an experiment using magical restraints to restrain a dreamwalker from dreamwalking

p. 155

"Because I knew that the dream-self that was projected during dreamwalking often acted much like a ghost, I called a friend and had him set up wards throughout my room. ... we turned my dreaming chamber into a spiritual prison, reinforcing the floor, the ceiling, the walls, all with the intent of keeping me in.

p. 156

... When next I lay down to sleep, I dreamwalked as usual -- but ... with ... the frantic sensation of scrabbling against door, windows, and walls, seeking for a way out."

p. 156 "The dreamcatcher is a Native American item that resembles a spider web woven within a hoop of wood. ... The dreamcatcher is a gift of Grandmother Spider, and it is supposed to catch bad dreams in its web, while allowing good dreams to pass through."



Sex in the Dreamspace

159 to 165

p. 163 sexual acts for the dreamer in the dream-world

"to the realm of dreams, ... connecting with another person ... culminates in an ecstatic exchange. In spontaneous dreamwalks, that connection is likely to become even more eroticized ... through sexual acts."

"Sex[ual activity] in the dreamspace ... can be a very liberating experience. There are none of the concerns that go along with the physical body, such as the possibility of pregnancy or the transmission of disease."



Lines of Flesh & Spirit

167 to 181

p. 168 sleepwalking

"Sleepwalking individuals ... are capable of doing great damage to themselves and to anyone sleeping with them. Completely unconsciously, they will get up in the night, fight, scream,

{This wild sort of behaviour can happen during sleepwalking only if the sleepwalking is caused by a wild possessing-spirit.}

and otherwise interact with physical reality as if it were the landscape of their dreams."

{The human dreamer is not at this time praesent in the body, but instead only a possessing-spirit is praesent. Furthermore, that possessing-spirit is at that time interacting with not with any dream, but rather with the material world and its inhabitants.}

pp. 169-70 a daimonic dream-bird

p. 169

"I had a student whom ... some malevolent entity ... would dreamwalk to ... and attack him within the dreamspace. ...

p. 170

However, one night [he] saw the entity take the form of a huge bird of prey. It flew at him, beating him with its wings and clawing him with wicked talons."

p. 170 (discussion of the possibility of marks on one's material body being made by events in a dream) {if so, this might be similar to a stigmatic.}


Michelle Belanger : Psychic Dreamwalking : explorations at the edge of self. Weiser Bks, San Francisco & Newburyport (MA), 2006.