Ethnology of Dreaming -- Epitomes of Books





The Dream in Primitive Cultures


"Defining the Dream-Doctor"


Dream Cultures

I. "China & India"

II. "Amerindia"

III. "Mediterranean"

IV. "Middle Ages"


Dreams : a Reader

1-4. "Buddhist"; "Antient KMI,"; "Mesopotamia"; "Islam"

5-6. "Women of the Great Plains"; "Asabano of Papua"

14-16. "Dreams about Dreams"; "Historian of Religion"; "New Anthropology of Dreaming"



Communing With the Gods : Consciousness, Culture, and the Dreaming

1. "Introduction".

2. "Anthropology of Dreaming".

3. "Modern Anthropological Theories of Dreaming".

4. "Experiences and the Dreaming".

5. "Lucid Dreaming".

6. "Phainomenology of Dreaming".

7. "Cultural Theories of Dreaming".

8. "Sociocultural Aspects of Dreaming".

9. "Dreaming in Religion, Shamanism, and Healing".

10. "Archetypal Dreaming".

11. "Dreaming and the Self".

12. "Transpersonal Dreaming".

13. "Dream Yoga-s".







0-1. "Introduction"; "Chinese Fictional Dreams".

2. "Imperial Dreams in China".

3. "Dreamwork of Psycho-Sinologists".

4-6. "Hermeneutics of Dream-Interpretation"; "Western & Asian Dreams"; "Lu Xun".


Dreaming, Religion and Society in Africa

1-2. Zezuru; Temne

3-6. Igbo; Tukolor; Berti; Yansi

7-10. Ingessana; Yoruba; Kamerun; Pondo


Mesopotamian ... Dreams and Dream Rituals


Dream Life of a Primitive People Yir Yoront


Performing Dreams Xavante


"Dream Magic" Daoist






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